Recruitment Process
If you intend to work with us, in a knowledge-based company, you may apply for job opportunities according to your knowledge and arena of expertise. We select some applicants to take part in our recruitment process.
In accordance with job specification for open positions, we invite some applicants for primary interview (Technical interview). The applicant’s technical competencies are checked in this interview. If you pass this stage successfully, you will be invited for final recruitment panel. In this interview, related deputy manager and HR manager check your competencies and preferences in compliance with organizational culture.
If you pass all stages of interviews successfully, the entrance day will be defined and necessary documents to complete the personal profile will be received.
- Orientation and Socialization:
When you are employed in CinnaGen, your socialization process will be started. In this duration, you will be familiar with the division you would work and your colleagues as well. General rules of the company will be defined in an orientation session. Procedures training shall be followed seriously and you will be tested by online exams of these requirements. All training records of socialization will be kept in your personal profile.
We eagerly would like to meet you in our interview sessions.
/ Human Resource Management /